Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Grab 'N Gab

Today, upon completion of CSAP I invited all the staff up to the library for a kind an open house we called Grab 'n Gab!

It was a showcase of materials that we offer teachers that they don't normally see. We had district book sets like HS poetry, Forensics, audio books and DVD's playing. Cyberbully lessons from Netsmartz. I set out SLJ and Booklist for teachers to select books for me to purchase.

We provided mini-cheesecakes, cream filled strawberries, chocolate truffles and hot cider. There was a display of Information Literacy Standards. We even had book scavenger hunts for every subject area (yes even including PE and math). Lastly- we had cheesy prizes and opportunities to share some conversations.

It was a good lunch hour- Science, English, Foreign Language, Special Ed, administrators and even Math departments stopped by for a visit. Several of the books sets went straight into teachers classrooms. I even picked up some more work with ESL and special ed...great opportunities for future planning! Many thanks to my friend Kim for letting me copy her idea, my great clerk and new intern for making this possible. What a fun day! ~guybrarian


NancyW said...

What a great idea! I like that you featured items that were probably unknown to teachers previously. We all have gems like that in our collections that just need a champion to get them out in the hands of teachers where they can provide enriching learning opportunities for students! You are a champion! :-)

Kim Ackerman said...

What a great job you did! We let this go at my library last year after doing it for 2 years - so I better try to do it this year. I like that you kept it fairly simple.
When I did it before it was a big production so it's kept me from doing it again.... If I keep it simple it seems like a great opportunity to connect with the staff in a social way and inform them at the same time.
Thanks for the description and the photo!!!