Monday, March 24, 2008

What TIME is it?

After finishing a research project on great poets in the AP English the students posted them in their classroom Google presentation account. They were to use this information to map the poet's birth or life span on a time line.

Some students used the new stylish looking Mnemograph time line creator. It is easy to get into so the students begin creating some pretty slick looking time lines. After about nine students, we had difficult seeing all the time lines though. **Note- just got an email from Michael R. from Mnemograph who thanked us for the feedback and said this would be a good addition. Within just a short time, Michael had adjusted the problems and we are good to go for today.

Some of the students chose to use Xtimeliner which is a social time line creation tool. Our students also found this easy to use and fairly quick to navigate. It has different options like collaborative editing and time line sharing that are kind of nice.

Since we were trying something new, it was hard for the students (and me!). Crashing computers, stalled work...but the student stuck with it and created most of their charts. The main goal was for them to begin to see patterns in the artists lives- and who was influenced by whom.

Turns out both tools work well for this. Even though we got stuck a few times the students liked the looks and feel of Mnemograph better. (At least today- we'll try with another class tomorrow!)


pwoessner said...

Thanks for sharing your adventures with the timeline exercise; looking forward to hearing more about how the kids respond to the different tools.

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