The theme for the day is: Education is conversation-Conversation creates change. and this more information about this FREE conference, take a look at Bud the Teacher's blog. Also- here is a tentative schedule, and make sure to register to get the FREE LUNCH! Wow- this sounds like fun! ~guybrarian
Ramblings of a HS Media Specialist trying to remember what we collaborated on, what the Makerspace kids did or the new tech resource we found. Join and comment!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Are you talking? Save the date!
The theme for the day is: Education is conversation-Conversation creates change. and this more information about this FREE conference, take a look at Bud the Teacher's blog. Also- here is a tentative schedule, and make sure to register to get the FREE LUNCH! Wow- this sounds like fun! ~guybrarian
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Library 2.0 Course- Winter Fun!
In his blog California Dreamin' he points to the School Library Learning 2.0 (CSLA) blog where it explains the 23 things Winter fun! If you haven't taken this course yet I would highly recommend it! I know a few folks that have done it for professional development credit as an independent or group study. Nice format, and it should be done by April fools day. WOW!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Need a Golden Compass to find your way?
I've read some interesting email concerns hovering around these issues. Library podcast Lib Vibe reports that Toronto Catholic boards of education have pulled the series and are considering what to do.
On Teacher Librarian ning I asked: "What do you think this email frenzy and movie release will do for our readers?" So....what do YOU think? :)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Kindle your reading habit!
Amazon just introduce Kindle, an e-book reader. While it is kind of pricey, if boasts NY times bestsellers for $9.99 and claims it can hold up to 200 books! Amazon is offering support for this wireless device too- saying that it offers 90,000 titles that can can be accessed with Kindle.
It might be possible to use it as your RSS reader too- Amazon will sell you monthly subscriptions to magazines, books, newspapers, and even some blogs. But don't worry about ordering today- the Kindle sold out in 5.5 hours and isn't scheduled for re-release until late December. Hmm...folks must be ready for this!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Marians in October!
Kim presented on TRAILS- an tool from Kent State for realtime assessment of information literacy skills. All Adams 12 High Schools are going to use this with their freshman this year. Several of our Middle Schools are already using this. (I'll even try it)
CAL- Get Radical at the DIA Holiday Inn November 8-10
Several professional development opportunities for you:
Librarian Days at the Tivoli in Denver February 1st and 2nd
K12 Online conference...going on right now! Many great workshops and exciting events! I just finished one by a 8th grade math teacher called Release the Hounds. Tomorrow, I want to start the class on looks helpful too!
Kim doesn't want us to forget Colorado Council for International Reading conference in February 6-9...Tools for Literacy
Cool! See you at all these!
Monday, September 17, 2007
LIbraries- Front page Denver Post!
- 37 million online transactions
- librarians as research trainers
- teen attractions
- laptop check out
Love to hear your comments on this one!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Register for Teen Read Week!
Here is an excerpt from their site:
Why should you register? YALSA is a non profit organization that depends on its members for support. By registering, you are letting us know that teen literacy is a concern and you are willing to do something about it! By registering, you are telling YALSA that this program is worthwhile, and we will continue to sponsor the week.
Be sure to download the Teen Read Week LOL logo to include on your promotional materials and check out the official Teen Read Week products brought to you by YALSA and ALA Graphics. Also- visit the Plan Your Event section of the YALSA site and the Teen Read Week Wiki.GOOD LUCK getting ready for October!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Check this out for new info!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Axel Wins!
I'll try to update this as we find out more...but in the mean time- congratulations Axel and Trail Ridge Middle School!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Phone Home!
Then, we work with our attendance person to set up a parlant call. (Phone Home!) She helped us get our own account using the school software. We input the list of names with overdues and set up the time and date the call will go out. Then- I record a message to the parents and save it. Once we are all done, the calls go out when we specify and the books come rolling in!
Tonight will be the 3rd time we have tried it- and I am amazed it its success! Try it!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Karol S
Joyce Valenza's New NING
Longmont Makes LibVibe
Speaking of libraries- the Longmont Pulbic Library is about to hold their spring book drive May 2nd. Make sure to contact Kim if you need books!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Who's your favorite librarian?
In a recent search on Askville today, I ran across a question in the top ten went something like this:
"Most people have a favorite teacher or two, but do you have a favorite librarian?"
What a cool question! There were lots of nice answers to this question (you can read them yourself! - click here)
Most of you folks ARE librarians, but how would you answer the question? Make a comment on this post and we'll all read about your fav's! ~guybrairan
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Powerpoint evil for educators?
In the article Research Points the Finger at PowerPoint researcher Peter Costello presents findings that show there are limits on the brain's ability to process and information in keep it in short-term memory.
So- reading straight from the bullet points on a PowerPoint is actually supposed to be worse for education. Bummer huh- However he also says:
"It is effective to speak to a diagram, because it presents information in a different form. But it is not effective to speak the same words that are written, because it is putting too much load on the mind and decreases your ability to understand what is being presented."
OK- I think I can do that!
BTW- next Marians 4/26- see you there!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
St Vrain Valley's Teen Tech Week - UPDATE!
Students are lining up to present at the very first Teen Tech week organized by Holli Buchter of the St Vrain Valley Schools District Media Serviles. Over 50 entries will be presented Thursday March 8th at Silver Creek High School. The projects represent the best student work from throughout the Middle and High Schools in St Vrain Valley. Projects vary, but some include DVD's, Website designs, Digital Photography and even a solar collector.
The work was inspired by American Library Association's TEEN TECH WEEK celebration! Check out their web site for really fun things to try with your kids! It is great fun! ~guybrarian
Blogged with Flock
The power of Lucky!
Oh my! Isn't it interesting what a little book can do for you! My friend Kim gives me a hard time because I don't think I have enough controversial books on the shelves. Is your district struggling with this Newbery award winner? Ours is- we don't have endorsed librarians at the elementary level and the book is being withheld until it is approved for those schools. I can't wait to get my copy!
Here is a nice response from Susan Patron, (found in Publishers Weekly) author of The Power of Lucky- she starts with:
"I wrote The Higher Power of Lucky for the 10-year-old who lives inside me. That girl was curious about everything and sometimes went to great lengths to get information about the world and how it works." "I was shocked and horrified to read that some school librarians, teachers, and media specialists are choosing not to include the 2007 Newbery Medal winner in their collections because they fear parental objections to the word scrotum, or because they are uncomfortable with the word themselves." YIKES - we librarians have some work to do!
Perhaps this book and the struggles that ensue will help us become stronger and more helpful in getting the kids what they need, rather than being the gatekeepers! ~guybrarian
Blogged with Flock
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Illinois Senator proposes a "MY SPACE" ban!
Last week, Senator Matt Murphy filed a bill proposing that all social netowrking sites be blocked in ALL libraries.
Take a look at part of the bill-
"Provides that each public library must prohibit access to social networking
Web sites on all computers made available to the public in the library."
I personally don't feel total censorship is going to be the answer. Folks should use find ways to make good decisions and thoughtful responses on their own without being censored. Here is an original post on SLASHDOT.
They are having another, better crafted the Internet Safety Education Act introduced by Dan Kotoski - as TEACH42 says- "it doesn’t sound as flashy as Deleting Online Predators, or Social Networking Website Prohibition Act, but maybe something good can come of it." There are some nice parts to it- take a look! ~guybraian
Blogged with Flock
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Second LIfe Strikes again...
I showed this to our AP Government teacher- he is excited to try this and might create groups for his kids and meet online with them after he explores it.
Teen Tech Week - March 8th
Want $ 280 in 10 minutes?
Then what are you waiting for go NOW!
Enter Teen Technology Fair
See Mr. Goerner in IMC for more Details
Before this Friday, February 16th 2007
Grand Prize – Highest Score - $280 gift card
1st Prize Individual-– MP3 (Nano)
2nd Prize individual - - MP3 (shuffle)
3rd prize individual- - $40 music
(gift card)
Group Prize
1st prize one middle one high – $ 200
2nd prize one middle one high - $100
3rd prize one middle one high - $40
Thank you to our sponsors!
SO HURRY and go see our Mr. Goerner in IMC NOW!!
Behold- the power of BLOGS!
On their assigned day, each student must define their word using the format designed by the teacher. The blogs are working very nicely when they need to talk about the mnemonics...They love adding cool graphics.
It is a good idea and the teacher is willing to "muck around" a bit to see if it works! I have great hope- so far they are only on the A's!