Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How are your students doing?

Recently, an interesting article on Inside Higher Ed about the information literacy skills for college kids. While the title is not that flattering, I found the study they cited interesting. According to the article they interviewed 6300 students and 63 universities and found their skills to be less than stellar.

This has some good messages for us- about reaching kids and helping them to be proficient at info lit standards. For example:

"...when asked to select a research statement for a class assignment, only 44 percent identified a statement that captured the assignment’s demands. And when asked to evaluate several Web sites, 52 percent correctly assessed the objectivity of the sites, 65 percent correctly judged for authority, and 72 percent for timeliness."

The study says that less than half students surveyed found a site that met these criteria.

So- I think we can do better...but we could help each other out by sharing ideas of how we do this. How do you teach resource evaluation? What activities do you do? How do you reach the most kids? Let me know in a comment. ~guybrarian

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