In the November 2006 SLJ, read the article, A Matter of Radical Trust by
Christopher Harris. He explains
Library 2.0 (a concept I keep hearing about but didn't have a firm grasp of...) Harris says it's the concept of library services that encourage a more interactive engagement with patrons via blogs and other Web 2.0 tools. OK, that makes sense - interacting with our students & teachers using computer technology.
But that leads me to ask this question again - what is
Web 2.0 then? Guybrarian Phil gave me a good explanation of Web 2.0 that I can paraphrase. He said the original web was one that we went to and took information from. The new web (2.0) is something we interact with using wikis, blogs, podcasts, etc We aren't only users of it, but are a part of it!
So Library 2.0 is an extension of Web 2.0 I think. We can have our teachers, students, and fellow librarians interact with us using web tools. I'm thinking of how that could happen and want your input.... I could have my fellow Marian Librarians write on this blog instead of sending emails to our group. I could have students post book reviews on a blog. I could have students do book reviews as podcasts that are on
my LMC website - I like that one!
Your thoughts here.....Back to the article, Harris writes that
"the open and dynamic nature of Web sites is...a serious concern to schools." He asks "
what if someone puts up something innappropriate"... on his blog for students. Good question! I had a brief discussion just like this with a history teacher here. She blogs, but she wouldn't include it as part of her classes for exactly that reason. She feels that being the blog facilitator is a huge responsibility that she doesn't want.
More food for thought...