Friday, April 25, 2008

Marian Notes from 4/21

Thanks to Beckie for facilitating and providing these notes!
** NOTE - next Marians Monday, May 19th!

· 21 skills are online learning in variety of ways: Blogging, video, databases.

· Virtual Campus is what St. Vrain is using. Classes are set up to use Moodle.

· Teachers are creating online professional development communities

· Alternatives to PowerPoint. Photo Story is an example

· The Program Destiny is used in Estes. When looking up books/topics in the library it connects to websites for research purposes.

· Transferable skills are what we need to teach.

· It was brought up that in Estes they are required to do 3-4 hours of professional development on computer skills.

Laura adds: great resources at:21st Century Skills

Also, the Framework for 21st Century Learning was presented at the CAL Pre-conference in November with Allison Zmuda. She was talking to librarians and principals and making sure principals knew that the skills businesses want to see in graduates are not necessarily the same skills be assessed in schools. Click here for her PowerPoint from that presentation.

1 comment:

Kim Ackerman said...

Thanks for the post. I looked at Allison's powerpoint, thinking I might forward it on to my principal with a short note. However, it's very dry & full of facts and I don't think it stands alone well so I'm not sending it.
I like her message (of course) and think the slideshow was likely a great addition to her presentation. Wouldn't it be great if we were leading the charge into the 21st century? We're making small steps, one teacher or one student at a time....