Monday, December 03, 2018

Fold a book Student Aides Project

Book club and student aides have been folding books to make designs (December 2018).

We asked for thick discards from other schools when they were offered (Like the Twilight series)

Students used book folding templates like this one from ScrappyStickyInkyMess which were really good to line up the pages. They also found good designs on Pinterest and others. 

I found some Instructables that helped.

The best site that student Aide Abby found was entitled Creating Book Art  from VektorRacheln. It is pretty cool because you can upload your own artwork to their online free software  and kinda get a good design from it. 

They are doing it, but the way I understand is most helpful if you determine the number of pages needed and then mark the pages from the template. Make sure to mark off the strip/line you have folded because it will take some time and there can be confusion. 

Good luck and be patient!

PS- if it helps, here is my list of OneTab hyperlinks

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