Wednesday, April 03, 2013

ACT Grab 'N Gab plans to promote Libraryland!

*note- I had this stored in DRAFT mode since last year...but updated this reminder so that I could be ready for the ACT date! Read on fearless readers!

Last year, upon completion of TCAP testing I invited all the staff up to the library for a kind an open house we called Grab 'n Gab!

I sure missed it this year, but we have one more change. April 24th after ACT testing we'll have another long lunch where I can showcase of materials that we offer teachers that they don't normally see. We'll have district book sets like HS poetry, Forensics, audio books and DVD's playing. We'll have Cyberbully lessons, Plagiarism and research presentation outlines available. There will be SLJ and Booklist set out for teachers to review & select books for purchase.

I'll need to order snacks: mini-cheesecakes, cream filled strawberries, chocolate truffles and drinks. I'll have brochures for the Colorado Standards: 21st Century Learning Skills. I've got an old book scavenger hunt that a student teacher made for every subject area that I'll upgrade (yes even including PE and math). Lastly- I'll find some cheesy prizes.

Mostly, we'll have opportunities to share some good with a wide variety of folks and departments. I'm hoping that many of our dispays and resources will be imeadiately booked or better yet go straight into teachers classrooms. Maybe I'll pick up some new work...let the planning ensue!

Many thanks to my friend Kim for letting me copy her idea from years ago.
Looking forward to a fun day! ~guybrarian

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