Friday, January 30, 2009

DPS librarian preso...

Enjoyed presenting to the Denver Public Schools librarians last Monday. We looked at are some of my favorites!

Grammar Girl: Quick and dirty tips for better writing Nice blog and podcast for grammar tips.

Geek!ed is group of tech folks from MI who meet once a week to talk about what cool thing are going on in their schools. These folks love to laugh!

Radiolab: ( One of the best story telling podcast I have ever listened too. From NPR this is often a science-oriented podcast that offers topics like Choices, Wright Bros etc.

Library of Congress: Brand new site I found that looks like it has tons of booktalks, interviews, and lectures...seems to have a podcast on music.

Book Lust with Nancy Pearl Can't make a list without books. This is our own action figure Nancy Pearl as she interviews famous authors and poets on her Seattle-based program.

EPN: The Educational Podcast Network is a listing from David Warlick's Landmark Project that lists educationa podcasts by and for students and teachers.

The Wild Chronicles: great short videos created by National Geographic.

Geek brief tv: video cast by Cali Lewis about new tech toys and stories.

Slashdot Review: Is a great review of current tech news from Slashdot, Digg and Reddit. Andy McCaskey does a great daily job of keep us current in this concise podcast.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Promoting the Library

Isn't it great to have smart friends? My library buddy has done some great promotional work in Adams 12. She has weekly fliers that go out to her staff and students telling the attributes of the library, books that are in or important events happening at the library. She does a different in"stall"ment for students and teachers. Teachers are really liking the version she makes them. I copied her idea (didn't want to be left out) and found the same in my building. Teachers told me that they really enjoyed reading what exciting things folks were doing in the building. Then, they come to me and ask if they could do those cool things too!
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