Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Illinois Senator proposes a "MY SPACE" ban!

Last week, Senator Matt Murphy filed a bill proposing that all social netowrking sites be blocked in ALL libraries.

Take a look at part of the bill-

"Provides that each public library must prohibit access to social networking

Web sites on all computers made available to the public in the library."

I personally don't feel total censorship is going to be the answer. Folks should use find ways to make good decisions and thoughtful responses on their own without being censored. Here is an original post on SLASHDOT.

They are having another, better crafted the Internet Safety Education Act introduced by Dan Kotoski - as TEACH42 says- "it doesn’t sound as flashy as Deleting Online Predators, or Social Networking Website Prohibition Act, but maybe something good can come of it." There are some nice parts to it- take a look! ~guybraian

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Second LIfe Strikes again...

Did you see Second Life made January 29th's issue of Newsweek- Politics: Pelosi in Pixels? Well, Kim and I have been searching SL's Capital Hill for Senators and Representatives stumping on the issues. So far I haven't heard any speeches, but I have seen some nice history displays. Here is a picture of my avatar in the chambers. You can see the speaker's podium, and up above are some viewing screens (they can project videos there).

I showed this to our AP Government teacher- he is excited to try this and might create groups for his kids and meet online with them after he explores it.

Teen Tech Week - March 8th

For those of you not in our district- we are running a contest in conjunction with YALSA's teen tech week. Here is some of the information on my promo flyer that my student aide created:

Want $ 280 in 10 minutes?
Then what are you waiting for go NOW!
Enter Teen Technology Fair
See Mr. Goerner in IMC for more Details
Before this Friday, February 16th 2007
Grand Prize – Highest Score - $280 gift card
1st Prize Individual-– MP3 (Nano)
2nd Prize individual - - MP3 (shuffle)
3rd prize individual- - $40 music
(gift card)

Group Prize
1st prize one middle one high – $ 200
2nd prize one middle one high - $100
3rd prize one middle one high - $40

Thank you to our sponsors!

SO HURRY and go see our Mr. Goerner in IMC NOW!!

Behold- the power of BLOGS!

Earlier this week I finished working with the upper level English classes. They have decided to use BLOGS as a way for the students to complete their SAT vocabulary words. This energetic student teacher set up four blogs (one for each of the four classes) and invited each student to be a member of their class's blog.

On their assigned day, each student must define their word using the format designed by the teacher. The blogs are working very nicely when they need to talk about the mnemonics...They love adding cool graphics.

It is a good idea and the teacher is willing to "muck around" a bit to see if it works! I have great hope- so far they are only on the A's!